Vendor Spotlight: Jigsaw Organizing Solutions

Here’s another spotlight blog post of our amazing vendor, Jigsaw Organizing Solutions. Our marketing director, Jennifer Lyon, sent Adeilah Dahlke, founder at Jigsaw Organizing Solutions, a few questions about the work she does. Here are her responses!


1. Tell me about your business.

I am a professional organizer and simple living consultant located in the Waterloo region, helping my clients to reduce their environmental impact while also reducing their clutter.

2. How does it fit with the Eco Market model?  How is it sustainable?


My business fits the Eco Market model because I try to be as sustainable as possible. In regards to decluttering my client's items, I try to send the least amount possible to landfill, and instead sell items, donate them, or repurpose them for different purposes. I also help consult my clients if they are wanting to reduce their environmental impact, showing them how to live more minimally, more zero waste, and reduce their food waste.

3. Tell me about you. What got you here to a green business? Why?

My business started off not being so environmentally friendly-focused, but grew to be that way just by seeing the condition of many people's homes. They would throw out so many items while decluttering, or they would want to purchase all new bins and supplies when organizing their spaces, but I would also see so many items that they had purchased with the intention of using, but never got around to it. Whether it was skincare products, books, appliances etc. There was so much waste and I figured it would be very useful to start with the basics and help show people how to live more minimally and reduce their impact, so it isn't a revolving door for them, of needing to declutter and organize every year.

4. What are you up to? Any new events? Products?

I have recently started up a Youtube channel (Jigsaw Organizing Solutions), where I hope to put out a video every week or two! There will be vlogging content, organizing tips, tips on how to live more minimally and zero waste, and also making vegan food. I also make regular posts on Facebook and Instagram.

5. Any highlights to share from the Eco Market 2018 event?

There were so many amazing products and services available at the Eco Market last year! I am so excited to see what this year will bring. It was so lovely to see how many people came to the market, who clearly have a lot of passion for the environment!