Interview with Samantha and Emilio from KWPO about the link between organization and 'green' living

In this episode, we featured Samantha and Emilio from KW Professional Organizers, Waterloo based organizers with a passion for community and ‘greener’ living. We talked about the role organization has in our ability to lead a ‘green’ lifestyle, our consumer culture and some of the negatives associated with that from a waste standpoint, waste reduction, ‘eco’ ways to get rid of your stuff, resources in the Kitchener Waterloo Region, and lots more.


Emilio Jose Garcia and Samantha Kristoferson, KW Professional Organizers

After travelling for a few years around the world with just a backpack, Emilio and Samantha met in New Zealand, in 2011. In 2012, they came to Canada and decided to take full control of their lives and their time, harnessing some of their lessons learned from travelling minimally. They decided to pursue their passion for helping others with just that, shortly after. They harness the power of Organization, Minimalism, and Self Care to help you find your own recipe for an extraordinary life.Through community outreach, coaching, courses, and their hardcover book, Samantha & Emilio are dedicated to helping you invest in your mindset, daily habits, and to getting you to that next level of success, no matter where you are in the process right now. Learn more about the KW Professional Organizers here!